No education, no vote

Cam Hill


CO- 2,5,7,8,10,11,12

Do you think the voting age is affecting the results of a president election due to lack knowledge and immaturity?

In todays age, you can vote with the I.Q score of 0, and it’s ridiculous. Letting uneducated people vote on some of the most important issues  is sending our country to the grave. Uneducated, or inexperienced people come from every age group. However, teenagers makes up more percent than any other. At this age range, people are either students, drop outs, or have just started their career. Regardless of their path, most of these people do not have a lot of life experience, and knowledge of what makes a country work.

Teenagers make up a good amount of the U.S population, as well as the population of new voters. In fact, a record amount of students are projected to vote in the election this year.  However, does actively being in college, or being 18, make you qualified to vote? At a more extreme level, should seniors in high school be allowed to vote? As a current college student, I say no. They should not. If you do not know the basic issues, you should not have a say in them.

In the article, Professor Furnish talks about his students cluelessness in subjects such as: Race population in the U.S, where the American Revolution started, and the U.S governments spending budget. Lets take the U.S budget as an example. When Professor Furnish asked his students for their estimate of the budget, their guess were all but close. If a person does not know the base line of our countries spending, how can they understand programs that are paid for by our government like portions of healthcare, education, infrastructure, military spending? By not knowing the essentials of how our government works, we will continue to vote incapable candidates into the office.

Another reason that younger citizens, specifically teenagers, should not be able to vote, comes from a scientific standpoint. Teenagers are simply too young, and are constantly changing emotionally and physically. As I look back two years ago to when I was seventeen, I see a lot has changed, such as: My viewpoints, my responsibilities, my experience, and my core values. Although people are considered an adult at eighteen, we all know that human emotions and parts, especially the brain, do not stop developing until the mid twenties. Until the, they are constantly changing. For example, the boy/girl you saw last night did not respond to your text. At this age, that could produce high levels of stress that could make you do things you normally would not. We can not let emotionally incapable teenagers vote for large issues, especially when their emotions are changing so often.

Overall, I see it as a politically correct issue. As a citizen, you are supposed to be entitled to certain rights no matter what. Personally, I do not think the right to vote, should belong to everyone. If a citizen is not informed with good quality facts about our country and how it works, their vote will only hurt us. Why should we sacrifice a great country, for a politically correct one?

Here is the article


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