Stressed out in college

Cam Hill


CO- 11,5,6,7

Is college as stressful as students say it is?

To me, college is a great opportunity to make your dreams come true, not provide endless stress. Although at times I have felt stressed, most of my college career has been organized and stress free. I believe that if you know what you are getting into, and plan accordingly, you will find college to be an enjoyable experience.


When you enter college, you take on many roles that are similar to an independent adult. For some students, these roles are hard to adapt to, and it can cause high levels of stress. With these adapted roles, comes a significant increase in responsibility. Responsibility can be measured in different ways: Turning in your homework, taking notes, keeping your room clean, doing laundry, etc. Students like myself who prioritize these responsibilities above partying and leisure time, will find college to be less stressful.


For me personally, I was not completely ready for the change, but adapted well and took on the challenge. Currently, I take five classes at Plymouth, and have a part time job at the New Hampshire Police academy where I take policing classes as well as training to become an officer. Balancing college with the academy is a lot, but now that I have figured it out, I am basically stress free. For me the secret was organizing my time in a manner that is right for me; I scheduled all of my classed to be on Tuesday and Thursdays so that I can have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to relax. Although every student is different and my scheme will not work for everyone, students can all figure out their own schedule that will work for them.


I think that if students want to reduce stress, they need to better organize themselves, and prepare for college. Instead of blaming college, students should hold themselves accountable for time management and prioritizing their day’s work. College is the transition level from teen, to semi independent adult, and students should prepare accordingly. College is a good way to prepare for a real job, and it teaches the accountability that is needed in a real work environment.

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